Please Help us Create Great Futures for All La Porte County Kids!

Please Help us Create Great Futures for All La Porte County Kids! image




Every day in America, 7.7 million kids leave school with nowhere to go. They risk being unsupervised, unguided and unsafe. Boys & Girls Clubs of La Porte County is committed to filling the gap between school and home and ensuring a Great Future is within reach of every single child in our community.

In 2023, our organization grew from 5 Clubs to 8, with Clubs in Michigan City, La Porte, Westville and Kingsford Heights. We served a record total of 764 Club members through our free afterschool and summer programming, placing us halfway to our longterm goal of reaching 1,500 children annually. Now, that’s something to celebrate!

This year, we will continue our efforts to ensure all La Porte County kids have what they need to thrive. Will you please help us keep our Clubs free as we grow by making a donation to our 2024 Annual Campaign?